Quickstart + Counter

This guide expands on the quickstart by adding a simple incrementing counter to the Counter page.

Quickstart code

This is made to add onto the web app you made in the quickstart. Make sure you have all the code from that in your Eve program before you start adding the code found here to begin working on the counter!

Building the counter

The first thing to do is to create some basic content on our Counter page.

  [#app page: "Counter"]
  view = [#qs-contents]

  view.children += [#ui/button #qs-increment text: "+1" sort: 1]

Remembering clicks

To be able to count the clicks, we have to first remember them.

  event = [#html/event/click element: [#qs-increment]]

  [#clicked event]

Click events only last for an instant in Eve before the #html/event/click record goes away, but we want to create a permanent record of each click so we can search for them later.

Counting clicks

Now that there’s a permanent #clicked record for each click, we can count them and display that on the Counter page.

  how-many = gather/count[for: [#clicked]]
  [#app page: "Counter"]
  view = [#qs-contents]

  view.children += [#ui/text text: "The button has been clicked {{how-many}} times." sort: 2]

You may notice that nothing appears until you click the button at least once. When there are zero clicks, how-many has nothing to count, the search will fail, and so no message will be created. Once there’s a click, the search passes, and the count message will show up.

Next steps

The way this is written, the button has the “+1” text on it and a message appears underneath saying how many times the button has been clicked. What if you wanted to combine that so the button reads “This button has been clicked X times”? You can try it out yourself or just jump to (the solution)[./advanced-counter/) to follow along with it!